e-ISSN: 1698-7802
DOI prefix: 10.14516/fde
“Foro de Educación founded (2003) and directed (2003-till date) by José Luis Hernández Huerta, and published by FahrenHouse (2003-till date). FahrenHouse: Salamanca, España
The education in orchestral studies at music conservatories is not sufficient to fulfill the requirements of a professional orchestra. Eager to find a solution to this problem, orchestras in Germany have founded academies, where music students are taught and instructed to perfect their orchestral practice according to the orchestra’s own method. There is a highly innovative project, the product of a collaboration between the Gewandhaus Orchestra Leipzig and the Leipzig Conservatory of Music. This postgraduate course, where students are educated by both institutions, follows the model of orchestral academies. The article aims to show the importance of this new educational project evaluating its feasibility as a potential resource to the music education in Spain.
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e-ISSN: 1698-7802
DOI prefix: 10.14516/fde
“Foro de Educación founded (2003) and directed (2003-till date) by José Luis Hernández Huerta, and published by FahrenHouse (2003-till date). FahrenHouse: Salamanca, España
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