The temporal dimension in the social and political participation experience of the Iberoamerican youth


  • Silvia Sánchez -Serrano Universidad Antonio de Nebrija. España Author



school time, youth participation, students particitation, sociology of time, collaborative research, childhood


This work aims to highlight the importance of the time dimension in the participation of young people in society, in order to take this element into greater consideration in the current socio-educational scenario. The work reveals how the participation exercised by youth in socio-political issues is, in part, mediated by the temporal dimension. This work arises from the study carried out within the CITADEL interuniversity collaborative research project “Smart Citizens for participatory cities” Ref.SMART01 / 2017-18 and its continuation in 2019/20 included in the call of the Iberoamerican Universities Union in which 4 countries of the 5 universities belonging to the IUU have participated (UNAM-National Autonomous University of Mexico, UBA-University of Buenos Aires, USP-University of São Paulo, UB-University of Barcelona and UCM-Complutense University of Madrid). This project focuses on the study of the gap between the civic experience of young people in formal education and their life in the citizen environment. For this, it is supported by research carried out by the teams of the aforementioned universities, through field work based on the focus group to obtain data from the different contexts to which the five participating institutions belong. The study, among other aspects on which part of the works published by the five universities has already been based, highlights the relevance of the temporal dimension in the participation of Iberoamerican youth in the sociopolitical sphere, as it is developed in this paper.


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How to Cite

The temporal dimension in the social and political participation experience of the Iberoamerican youth. (2022). Foro De Educación, 20(1), 158-172.

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