Learning with the Infraordinary from the Windows: Restriction, Necessity and Education in the COVID-19 Pandemic


  • Glòria Jové Monclús Universidad de Lleida, España Author
  • Daniel Gutiérrez-Ujaque Universidad de Lleida, España Author
  • Quim Bonastra Universidad de Lleida, España Author




Lockdown, Infraordinary, Pedagogical Innovation, Artistic Practices, Higher education


The global pandemic of COVID-19 has shaken the education system, which has struggled to respond inclusively to the challenge of continuing the course from home. This research presents a socio-educational practice based on the investigation of the immediate environment of the students of the Bachelor’s Degree in Primary Training of University of Lleida from their lockdown from the concept of infraordinary coined by Georges Perec. The students lived a work proposal to reverse the restrictions imposed by lockdown based on video recordings made from their windows, field diaries, and discussion groups. The research results show how the work on art and the capture of the infraordinary during these restrictions have helped them to approach the curriculum in an inclusive and committed way with the quotidian, the environment and the community. This approach has allowed them to engage in reflective, creative, critical and inclusive practices to confront the post-coronavirus era.


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How to Cite

Learning with the Infraordinary from the Windows: Restriction, Necessity and Education in the COVID-19 Pandemic. (2023). Foro De Educación, 21(2), 67-93. https://doi.org/10.14516/fde.1094

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