Citizenship Education in Times of Crisis


  • Markus Pausch Center for Futures Studies. Salzburg University of Applied Sciences. Austria Author



citizenship education, Europe, European Union, democracy, politic


The European Union (EU) faces a deep crisis. Under the impression of economic troubles, wars in and around Europe (Ukraine, Syria) and an unprecedented immigration of refugees, political leaders try to muddle through the difficult times, while political extremists and anti-European forces suggest alleged solutions and divide the Union. In view of the crisis, citizenship education is often neglected, although it is a crucial measure for long-term stability, European integration and wealth. The education of young generations needs to be considered as a core challenge for the EU. It should provide political knowledge of history, institutions, actors and procedures of democracy in the nation states and the EU, democratic values and behaviour, skills to participate in a communicational public sphere. It should enable citizens to understand how democratic politics functions, what the core values of democracy are, how interests can be articulated and promoted in a European multi-level system and how political claims or projects can gain broader attention


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How to Cite

Citizenship Education in Times of Crisis. (2016). Foro De Educación, 14(20), 3-9.

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