Education, privacy and social networks: an arendtian reflection


  • Alberto Sánchez Rojo Universidad Pontificia Comillas. España Author



Philosophy of Education, ICT, Privacy, Personality


Over the last few years, we have observed how the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have revolutionised the socio-political field. As Hannah Arendt is one of the most relevant political thinkers in our recent history, this paper aims to figure out, from her thinking, up to what extent these technologies help to meet the political ideal of freedom that this author claimed as the very basis of real democracy. As of a thorough analysis and review of much of her work, as well as of papers and studies in ICT, we realize, first, that we need to preserve the private sphere if what we want is to achieve a free and, at the same time, safe public space; and, secondly, that this preservation is not being produced in the most appropriate way in our current technological context. In conclusion, we will attend to the need of promoting a privacy education that takes into account the importance of experiencing some sort of solitude in order to have a healthy personality development.


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How to Cite

Education, privacy and social networks: an arendtian reflection. (2017). Foro De Educación, 15(23), 7-24.

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