Professional profiles of future teachers for the sustainable development from a training model focused on the design of learning environments


  • Belén Saenz-Rico De Santiago Universidad Complutense de Madrid. España Author
  • Laura Benítez Satre Universidad Complutense de Madrid. España Author
  • Juan Manuel Neira Universidad Complutense de Madrid. España Author
  • María Rosa Sobrino Calleja Universidad Complutense de Madrid. España Author
  • Estela D’angelo Menéndez Universidad Complutense de Madrid. España Author



sustainable curriculum, learning ecosystems, learning environment, peer relationships, educational innovation


The goal of this article is none other than to provide to education professionals, in particular university education, models that favor independent learning, a requirement in this new millennium for the entire educational process in the current knowledge society and information, from a Development dimension sustainable. The innovation project carried out from a qualitative methodology, starts from the evaluative inquiry about the repertoire of learning strategies that students in Master Degree used to solve problematic situations from a reflective and relational perspective, and envisioning creative resolutions. This process of inquiry made for two academic years 2010/11 and 2011/12, and is based on the concept of strategic and effective knowledge. In a second instance, from a quantitative assessment methodology, it undergoes to evaluate the whole process of teaching and learning of the subjects of basic and optional module in Teacher for Primary school Degree, Teacher for Infants Degree and the compulsory module of the Degree of Education in charge of the Department of Teaching and School Organization. The results obtained allow us to affirm that the experience of innovation, has focused its action in the sustainability within a set of educational innovation process, through a model called ecosystem learning, focusing on the collaborative approach, favors the acquisition of autonomous learning’s as a means for the development of personal, professional and social skills of future graduates.


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How to Cite

Professional profiles of future teachers for the sustainable development from a training model focused on the design of learning environments. (2015). Foro De Educación, 13(19), 141-163.

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