Educational Transfer, Modernization and Development: The Transnational Approach in History of Education Studies


  • Manuel Ferraz-Lorenzo University of La Laguna. Spain Author
  • Cristian Machado-Trujillo University of La Laguna. Spain Author



History of Education, internationalization, curriculum, transnationalization


Research focused on the concept of the international or, rather, of international influences and interdependencies, has become a highly recurrent line of work that has been acquiring a notable presence in the field of the History of Education. The objective of this approach to historiographical work is justified as it attempts to explain with a better precision and accuracy what has happened within national borders, or even within more defined perimeters such as regional and local ones. The transfer of ideas and projects, the importation or imitation of pedagogical models, the transfer and influence of educational and school practices, the links and connections between different cultural scenarios and knowledge, the dependencies and interdependencies of international organizations, among other aspects, have led to new and more plausible analyses of educational processes and the political and social will that fostered them. The present work focuses on researching how these practices have evolved, and their networks of connection and exchange, in order to better understand educational and curricular policies in their historical development.


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How to Cite

Educational Transfer, Modernization and Development: The Transnational Approach in History of Education Studies. (2020). Foro De Educación, 18(2), 1-22.

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