Education in the Techno-Hamlet: Privation of creativity?


  • Jesús Alberto Valero Matas Universidad de Valladolid. España Author



Technology, creativity, digital and analog, education


Technology can not be considered with respect to creativity and education to be responsible for the death of analog creativity in the 21st century. This work tries to be a reflection on the importance of creativity, but also, like analogical creativity, which is substituted and abused in educational terms by a digital creativity One must keep in mind, following the studies and analyzes developed by social scientists in the 70s of the last century, the importance of creativity. As that analogical creativity (cognoscente and analogical) own of the human being is being replaced by the creativity of the machines or on the machines. That is to say, in the analogy the questions are about how to create to solve problems, in digital they ask the machines to create. Therefore, to develop digital creativity you need analogical creativity. Here we address and analyze this issue.


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How to Cite

Education in the Techno-Hamlet: Privation of creativity?. (2020). Foro De Educación, 18(2), 259-275.

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