Georg Kerschensteiner and the work school: introduction in Spain in the first third of the 20th century through the figure of Lorenzo Luzuriaga


  • Cecilia Valbuena Canet Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED). España Author



Work School, Active school, New School, Civic education, Work, Cultural transfer


This research is born with the objective of analyzing the introduction in Spain of the idea of the «Work School» (Arbeitsschule) developed by Georg Kerschsensteiner in Germany, whose main characteristic was to turn «work» into the starting point around which all teaching subjects were articulated, endowing the activities carried out in the school with a social as well as a formative character. Lorenzo Luzuriaga, as a member of the International League for New Education, incorporates Kerschensteiner’s ideology into his pedagogical thinking and will try to introduce it in Spain. To carry out this work, an intense work of analysis has been carried out, both of the translated works of Kerschensteiner and of other types of sources, among which the Spanish pedagogical press of the moment stands out, mainly Revista de Pedagogía. The choice of this publication is neither accidental, nor based on its well-known importance in the pedagogical context in which it arises. It is the result of the process of its analysis, which revealed the role of its director and founder, Lorenzo Luzuriaga, as the main introducer of Kerschensteiner’s pedagogy in Spain.


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How to Cite

Georg Kerschensteiner and the work school: introduction in Spain in the first third of the 20th century through the figure of Lorenzo Luzuriaga. (2018). Foro De Educación, 16(25), 69-94.

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