Sissies, Sportsmen and Moms Standing over Stoves. Gender aspect of readers and mathematics textbooks for primary education in Slovakia


  • Róbert Osaďan Comenius University. Slovakia Author
  • Mária Belešová Comenius University. Slovakia Author
  • Lenka Szentesiová Comenius University. Slovakia Author



gender, textbooks, Slovakia, primary age, content


Many studies have dealt with issues related to school textbooks as a significant vehicle of open or hidden gender signals, but in Slovakia this issue has only recently gained ground. To date, textbooks for lower secondary and secondary schools have been at the centre of interest of experts in this area. Ironically however, textbooks for primary schoolshave remained on the periphery of interest of Slovak experts. This study analyses primary level readers and mathematics textbooks in the Slovak Republic. Our aim was to provide a picture of gender stereotypes and gender preferences in given textbooks, through the qualitative research methodology, in particular the method of in-depth textual analysis. In the case of mathematic textbooks it was primarily the analysis the assignment of verbal tasks, readers’ analysis   was focused on the content of artistic text. Our intention was not to map the frequency of occurrence of gender stereotypes, but rather the nature and content of displaying the culture-conditioned male and female roles as they are presented in the public and private sphere of life. We are convicted that such model depictions are rapidly, automatically and intuitively acquired by pupils of primary education, which also affects the perception of that subject during adulthood. We believe that our study will contribute to the initial discussion of the issue and the role of textbooks in the educational and general acculturation process of primary school pupils.


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How to Cite

Sissies, Sportsmen and Moms Standing over Stoves. Gender aspect of readers and mathematics textbooks for primary education in Slovakia. (2018). Foro De Educación, 16(25), 243-261.

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