Charting a Path Towards Educational Improvement: Identification of Key Elements in Initial Teacher Training


  • Víctor Valdés Sánchez Universidad de Extremadura. España Author
  • Prudencia Gutiérrez Esteban Universidad de Extremadura. España Author



Teacher education, education policy, access to education, teaching qualification, school failure, dropout


The design of initial teacher training has been identified as one of the factors that may be significantly influence the crisis in education systems around the world, which supposes an increase in the inequality, dropouts and school failure. This article carries out a review of the state of initial teacher training from an international context with the aim of knowing the different training approaches at an international level and identifying key issues for the improvement of teacher training. Specifically, this study reviews the literature on initial teacher training from different countries around the five continents, offering an international perspective, deepening the approach of the European Higher Education Framework and specifying the analysis in the configuration of study plans of Initial Training in Spain. Among the main findings are coinciding elements, despite starting from different training and organizational approaches, such as the need to attract quality profiles, a replacement of access to training, the need for greater coordination with schools and the 21st century skills training.


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How to Cite

Charting a Path Towards Educational Improvement: Identification of Key Elements in Initial Teacher Training. (2023). Foro De Educación, 21(1), 153-176.

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