Political Education. Historical and Systematic Approach


  • David Luque Universidad Complutense de Madrid. España Author




democracy, educational philosophy, politics of education, policy formation, didacticism


The introduction to this article should be placed in the convulsive current political life. More specifically, to know what pedagogy says about political education and what are the necessary elements to configure educational programs. To do this, is used a multidisciplinary method that configures the two parts of the article. The first, between the history of education and educational philosophy, makes a current re-reading of the most influential educational theories. The second, between the educational philosophy and the didactic thought, reveals the most intense correlations of all the educational theories to propose some inexcusable lines for any didactic proposal. So the discussion is also divided into two groups. The internal discussions of each of the educational theories and the analysis of the confluence lines in dialogue with the current contributions of the scientific community. The conclusion that is reached is that it is possible to speak of elements common to all educational theories since the pedagogy has acquired a rich internal life and independent of the vagaries of political life.


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How to Cite

Political Education. Historical and Systematic Approach. (2021). Foro De Educación, 19(2), 315-333. https://doi.org/10.14516/fde.786

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