Textbooks for Content and Language Integrated Learning: policy, market and appropriate didactics?

María Ángeles Martín del Pozo, Débora Rascón Estébanez


The paper begins by approaching the concept of CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) providing a brief overview of the history of bilingual education. The influence of the linguistic policies of the European Union is discussed along with some beliefs about language teaching and how both have influenced the celerity of CLIL implementation, momentum and expansion. There are some indicators of the lack of a theoretical framework for CLIL, of insufficient teacher education and or inadequacy of materials. It is necessary to reflect systematically on to what extent commercially published textbooks match the demands of bilingual education. The second section centers on CLIL textbooks, mainly those commercialized by publishers, by referring to some recent studies which attempt to approach systematically their design and use. Since, by definition CLIL includes both content and language, our research question is if content books (in English) also include content and language objectives. A corpus of 25 books from different subjects, years, and publishers is analyzed. The analysis shows an insufficient presence of linguistic objectives. Some reflections are made about this scarcity with the warning that this lack could hindrance an efficient implementation of CLIL. Thus, it could be said that these textbooks are not the product of discipline or didactic considerations but the result of the logic of market, publishers and linguistic policy.

How to reference this article

Martín del Pozo, M. A., Rascón Estébanez, D. (2015). Textbooks for Content and Language Integrated Learning: policy, market and appropriate didactics?. Foro de Educación, 13(18), pp. 123-141. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.14516/fde.2015.013.018.007


Palabras clave

content and language integrated learning; textbooks; teacher education; bilingual education; materials design

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.14516/fde.2015.013.018.007

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