Citizenship Education from the Social e-Learning Perspective. Confluence of Formal and non-Formal Contexts


  • María Rosa Fernández Sánchez Universidad de Extremadura. España Author
  • María José Sosa Díaz Universidad de Extremadura. España Author



Information and Communication Technolog, participation, citizenship, e-Learning, MOOC, community of practice


In this paper we present two case studies based on two online training activities that have contributed to citizenship education, development. This activities have developed skills to empowerment and social advancement in Community of Practice for social and cultural development of a Roma women group. Moreover, we present an educational pilot project about MOOC on «Entrepreneurial Training» for increase entrepreneurship and cultural openness in the population within the International Development Cooperation's framework. We propose two educational models for citizenship education based on active methodologies, collaborative use of ICT and dialogic learning. We found helped to train and empower people, promoting equal opportunities and social participation. So the acquisition and appropriation of knowledge, skills and competences developed in the different context have been very important in the development their communities and their environment.


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How to Cite

Citizenship Education from the Social e-Learning Perspective. Confluence of Formal and non-Formal Contexts. (2016). Foro De Educación, 14(20), 253-281.

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