The potential of Service-Learning in reducing prejudices of future educators: an educational intervention of direct intergroup contact


  • Prado Martín -Ondarza Universidad Complutense de Madrid. España Author
  • Paloma Redondo -Corcobado Universidad Complutense de Madrid. España Author
  • Beatriz Gálvez Universidad Complutense de Madrid. España Author



Prejudice, Service-Learning, Intergroup Contact Theory, Social Participation


Currently, educational institutions are characterized by an unprecedented diversity.  Prejudice negatively affects perception and understanding of the other in encounters involving social participation of children, young people and adults. On the other hand, Service-Learning (S-L) has been acquiring a great relevance at international level, both in educational practice and research, because it makes it possible to open educational institutions to other social realities and connects students with other people from different social groups. The aim of this paper is to analyse the use of Service-learning as a methodological strategy for reducing prejudices within diverse educational contexts considering the intergroup contact theory and later scientific-theoretical developments. A theoretical-comparative research has been developed. Documentary research was carried out on the Theory of Intergroup Contact of Allport (1954) and subsequent developments, from which a system of categories was built and with which the scientific-theoretical foundations of the Service-Learning have been analyzed. These results have been complemented by two case studies corresponding to two Service-Learning projects developed at the Complutense University of Madrid. Finally, the paper discusses Service-learning potential in reducing prejudices and promoting social cooperative participation amongst students, allowing them to acquaint with the existent diversity and take advantage of this context. Nevertheless,  the limitations of the study presented are taken into account and the need for further theoretical and empirical study in order to provide further evidence is noted.


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How to Cite

The potential of Service-Learning in reducing prejudices of future educators: an educational intervention of direct intergroup contact. (2022). Foro De Educación, 20(1), 214-239.

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