Using critical comprehension questions in textbooks


  • Adolfo Zárate Pérez Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia. Perú Author



textbooks, questions, critical reading, ideologies, restrictions


In this paper analyzes the questions used to assess critical understanding in textbooks secondary education in Peru, which are distributed for free in the country. The analysis is approached from the perspective of Critical Discourse Studies and Critical Literacy. The results show that although they have increased the number of critical questions in relation to previous years, most of these do not seek a critical understanding; on the contrary, they can be answered even without understanding the text. Questions can take various structures and most of them prompts guide the reader to get an expected answer by the author. However, there are questions that influence more than others. Those that generate several possible answers are best suited to critical reading; however, the questions that have only one possibility of answer, restrict critical understanding. In addition, through the questions also transmitted ideologies, beliefs and assumptions of the author.


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How to Cite

Using critical comprehension questions in textbooks. (2015). Foro De Educación, 13(19), 297-326.

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