Educational policy evaluation from Informed-Policy: Theoretical-methodological issues and current challenges


  • José Sánchez-Santamaría Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. España Author
  • Oscar Espinoza Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano. Chile Author



educational policies, evaluation in education, empirical evidence, systems informed-policy in education, equity-focused evaluation


The evaluation of educational policies is a political, scientific and social priority. This is due to the existence of a policy concern for advancing the design and implementation of policy impact, linked with the interest of the scientific community to better understand the meaning and function of education policy in improving the quality of education systems in democratic societies. Therefore, this article reviews the status of the educational policy evaluation so as to allow us to establish: the theoretical perspectives with greater tradition in this arena and the emerging positions, the methodological issues related to the development of systems evaluation indicators and index, and current challenges posed by the movement of Informed-Policy. Thus, it advocates a descriptive-exploratory approach with reference sources and primary data. The results draw: a tendency to establish links between empirical evidence and educational policies in terms of Informed-Policy, and a growing concern for evaluations of Informed-Policy in Education about their contributions to educational equity.


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How to Cite

Educational policy evaluation from Informed-Policy: Theoretical-methodological issues and current challenges. (2015). Foro De Educación, 13(19), 381-405.

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