Castillo: a clearly new leading case or just a new precedent in the case law about the right to education by the Argentine Supreme Court?


  • Sebastián Scioscioli Universidad de Buenos Aires. Argentina Author



Right to Education, religious education, equality, jurisprudence, Argentina


In this article we propose a comment regarding the decision made by the Argentine Supreme Court on the compulsory religious education in the curricula and during school hours in public primary schools. Firstly, we revise the case law in education. Then, we analyze the arguments expressed in «Castillo» decision, paying special attention to those related to the principles of religious neutrality and equality, since both impacted considerably on the interpretations that the Judges assumed regarding the definition and scope of the right to education and the obligations of the State (both federal and provincial) in the matter. As a conclusion, we will argue that although this case is an important step towards the enforcement of the right to education in Argentina, the Supreme Court did not argue enough (or did not want) to achieve a definitive rule about laicism in public schools, in accordance with a progressive and pro personae interpretation of the right to education content in the normative, constitutional and conventional development of human rights in Argentina.


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How to Cite

Castillo: a clearly new leading case or just a new precedent in the case law about the right to education by the Argentine Supreme Court?. (2020). Foro De Educación, 18(2), 211-236.

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