The German school of Cartagena (1931-1944). Elites and ideology


  • Mª José Martínez Ruiz Funes Universidad de Murcia. España Author
  • Carmen Mª Cerdá Mondéjar Universidad de Murcia. ISEN Centro Universitario. España Author



Education, ideology, The German School of Cartagena


The German School in Cartagena opened its doors in 1931 coinciding with the beginning of the second Spanish Republic. The support for secular education allowed projects such as those promoted by the consul Fricke Cartagena. Its privileged position in the harbor zone, an important commercial and strategic position allowed him to open this school at the Muralla del Mar, in small premises tailored for the purpose. Two years later, with the appointment of Adolf Hitler as Chancellor, which coincided with the electoral triumph of the Spanish Right, the school moved to its new location outside of the city. With the change in location and the installation of new facilities, in 1934 the school became an ideological school. These ideologies exalted the German nationality and the need to recover territories through a policy of expansion. The Cartagena school organized many feasts and celebrations, with all the social agencies, which praised the values of the German Nation and the twinning with the Spanish Nation. In subsequent years and up to 1937, the school had been steadily developing the number of pupils enrolled. In the second year of the Spanish Civil War, the school was taken over by the Republican side and the school supplies were confiscated. The school once again opened its doors at the end of the Spanish Civil War and remained open until the end of the Second World War, at which time it closed definitively. The German School in Cartagena reflects the ideological orientation of education and its different stages. The paper supports its arguments with archive documents, local press news and oral testimonies and existing literature on the topic ideology and education.


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How to Cite

The German school of Cartagena (1931-1944). Elites and ideology. (2018). Foro De Educación, 16(25), 27-47.

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