Teacher training. An experience of knowledge coproduction in a class of the Master’s Degree of Secondary Education Teacher Training


  • Donatella Donato Universitat de València. España Author
  • Sandra García de Fez Universitat de València. España Author
  • Isabel Bernat Mateu Universitat de València. España Author
  • Fabià Espuig Universitat de València. España Author
  • Adrián García Folgado Universitat de València. España Author
  • Patricia Lledó Cabrera Universitat de València. España Author
  • Manuel J. Tejedor Ayala Universitat de València. España Author




Activity learning, knowledge, higher education, student participation, teacher training


In this paper we present our knowledge cogeneration experience in the Master’s Degree of Secondary Education Teacher Training of the University of Valencia (Spain). This is an example of good practices of teaching-learning process where people have structured a collective dimension of activating critical thinking. This work, written in co-authorship between teachers and students, aims to describe and analyze the fundamental characteristics of the strategies, the co-participation process, the underlying pedagogical model and the importance of evaluation and self-evaluation as a constructive exchange tool. We have learned that educational action must first of all start from motivated people, collaboration instead of competition, recovery instead of passive reception. Starting from the classroom group’s experience and interests, we adapted the program, the academic guide, the timing and modalities. Our basis was the knowledge already possessed by us all, the insertion of new concepts, dealing directly with students’ realities, a central dimension for educational professionals. The project lasted one academic year and ended by broadcasting a radio program and forming a group for pedagogical reflection and renovation as a tool to build responsible, committed and participatory citizenship.


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How to Cite

Teacher training. An experience of knowledge coproduction in a class of the Master’s Degree of Secondary Education Teacher Training. (2022). Foro De Educación, 20(1), 281-296. https://doi.org/10.14516/fde.876

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