The neoliberal conception of education and its impacts in the Global South: a new form of imperialism


  • Bruno Antonio Picoli Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul. Brasil Author
  • Alexandre Anselmo Guilherme Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul. Brasil Author



neoliberalism, imperialism, education, South Global, reforms


This article is dedicated to awnser the question: What are the impacts of the changes in education that neoliberal policies are implementing in the Global South? In this sense, it also seeks to investigate what is the concept of Education in neoliberal policies nowadays, if it is still education what these reforms propose. It also seeks to establish paths for an effective Education in the neoliberal policies ege. It sustains that neoliberalism is a refined form of imperialism that has in Education one of its most privileged fields of at- tainment: the transformation of access to the education into commodity. In order to answer the question raised, there are analysis of Chile’s, Brazil’s and South Africa’s experiences, coutries that, in different ways, were afflicted in the last four decades by neoliberal educational reforms. From the experience of these countries, it can be seen that neoliberal reforms in the Global South have created barriers for the populations, especially the poorest, to enjoy the formal rights they had gained in the same period with the political opening and the end of Apartheid, making use of the imperialist expedient of the inculcation that the reforms themselves understood and understand the no-return path of globalization, the tripod of deregulation, decentralization and privatization, and the transformation of all relations into commodities.


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How to Cite

The neoliberal conception of education and its impacts in the Global South: a new form of imperialism. (2021). Foro De Educación, 19(1), 199-222.

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