When public policies transform into mechanisms (re)producers of educational inequality: the Spanish case in access to the school system


  • Daniel Turienzo Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional. España Author
  • Jesús Manso Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. España Author




school segregation, equity, inclusion, concerted education, education rights


The Spanish education system has proven to be one of the most segregatives of its surroundings with regard to social inclusion. This combined with the fact that Spain is one of the countries where private school (public funded in the Spanish case) serves a great part of the students, has awoken the interest of the scientific community. The most part of the Works have tried to assess the impact of the public funded schools in the field of school segregation and the equity of the educational system. Researches have proven the existence of certain profiles of students that are more likely to suffer the consequences of segregation based on their personal, social, economic and cultural characteristics. Taking those Works as a starting point, the main objective of this article is to capture the mechanisms by which this social injustice is perpetuated, but also the measures intended to fight or lessen its effects. With that purpose, as a main source, we analyze works by different authors and institutions of recognized prestige on segregation in the Spanish context, including municipal councils and autonomous communities. That compilation allows to detect the most prestigious measures among the scientific community even assuming the disparity between models in regard of the contexts for which they were created. The main conclusion that shows, is the existence of a great range of possible strategies that would help to fight the elements of segregation and the urgency of implementing them by the public authorities.


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How to Cite

When public policies transform into mechanisms (re)producers of educational inequality: the Spanish case in access to the school system. (2022). Foro De Educación, 20(1), 240-264. https://doi.org/10.14516/fde.898

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