Important clues in the recovery of memory information: for the fourth year of primary pupils, according to sex and age group


  • Florence Gheloube Épouse Ndong Obiang École Normale Supérieure, LASCIDYL, LARED. Libreville, Gabón Author



reminder indexed, short term memory, the fourth year of primary Libreville


This study shows the importance of the indices in the retrieval of information in short term memory (MCT), because the learners’ memory is constantly solicited during learning. The reminder indexes task was administered to 111 4th grade pupils of primary schools in Libreville. The data processing was performed using Statistica software. The analysis of variance indicates that, regardless of gender and age there is no difference. Pout, Alloway (2006) points out that the verbal MCT changes with age. The correlation analysis shows that there is a strong negative correlation scores when compared to the proper reminder indexed (RICO), those incorrect cued recall (RINONCO) and number of tests (RIESSAIS). It is therefore essential that teachers and learners have knowledge and apply these data to help improve teachers’ practice and learners’ performance.


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How to Cite

Important clues in the recovery of memory information: for the fourth year of primary pupils, according to sex and age group. (2017). Foro De Educación, 15(23), 205-218.

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