Networking and professional development among teachers of Early Childhood Education


  • Rosario Mérida Serrano University of Cordoba. Spain Author
  • Elena González Alfaya University of Cordoba. Spain Author
  • María Ángeles Olivares García University of Cordoba. Spain Author



Early Childhood Education Professional Network, communities of practice, project approach, knowledge development, teacher collaboration, teaching practice


This paper evaluates the professional development of 24 teachers involved in the Early Childhood Education-CPD Centre for Teachers-University Network ([blind review]). Collaborative research-action is carried out with teachers and pupils of Early Childhood Education, an adviser from the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Centre for Teachers, researchers, and teacher training undergraduates from the University of [blind review] ([blind review]). Taking a qualitative approach, through interviews, focus groups, and research journals, the benefits obtained by the teachers through their involvement in the [blind review] network are identified: (1) Their colleagues offer them emotional support and provide examples of good practices; (2) The teacher training undergraduates provide technological resources and the possibility of calmly observing what goes on in the classroom; (3) The researchers foster processes of reflection about practice and endorse the validity of the Project Approach; (4) The adviser provides continuing professional development.


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How to Cite

Networking and professional development among teachers of Early Childhood Education. (2017). Foro De Educación, 15(23), 243-256.

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