Towards an understanding of the virtual social world in the configuration of informal learning spaces


  • Felipe Sánchez Universidad de los Andes, Chile Autor/a
  • Augusto Rodríguez -Paniagua Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Chile Autor/a


Palabras clave:

Internet, informal learning, algorithms, cognitive conflict, psychogeography


The omnipresence of digital technologies and the Internet as a means of daily interaction leads us to ask ourselves about the ways in which people build an unique way of relating to them and the impact that this relationship can have on informal learning processes; under the assumption that a central aspect to this is the ability to spontaneously experience and sustain instances of cognitive conflict. Given that between the individual and the digital world a two-way relationship is established, where the former is both an agent of production of privileged spaces of interaction and a passive recipient of an informational bombardment, it is considered that to the extent that strategies are not developed to navigate more effectively in Internet and social networks the possibilities of developing new learning is reduced. Contemporary research on the impact that Internet and social media browsing has on various informal learning processes is discussed, its results are presented, as well as limitations in their approaches. As a result, the concept of psychogeography is proposed as a useful conceptual tool when theorizing about the various learning trajectories that young people can develop when relating to digital spaces. We conclude by pointing out the pedagogical challenge of fostering the develop of strategies that help explore the digital world beyond the spaces with which one is familiar and recognize the infinity of space still to be known.


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Cómo citar

Towards an understanding of the virtual social world in the configuration of informal learning spaces. (2022). Foro De Educación, 20(1), 370-393.

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