The subjective construction of experience: an analysis of memory and resilience in an educational sense


  • Zaida Espinosa Zárate Universidad Internacional de La Rioja. España Autor/a


Palabras clave:

memory, resilience, experience, care, effort, identity


In this article we conduct a theoretical analysis of memory and resilience in an educational sense in order to examine the importance that should be placed on teaching practices that are aimed at promoting these qualities in the learner at any educational stage. The relevance of this study can be justified by the need of rethinking the meaning of certain elements of the educational setting and school practices, such as memorization, which are involved in teaching and learning processes, so that the teaching activity is based on critical and rational principles, and does not merely lie in the lazy realm of custom, sheer opinion or authority. It will be argued that the construction of experience on the part of the individual, which is the backbone of its identity, can be educationally modulated through a specific treatment of both analyzed capacities: by deliberately promoting memory practices and by fostering resilience. In this regard, apart from examining the specific characters of memory as an internal sense and of the resilient individual, we draw attention to a certain negativity that is common to both concepts and which affects the learner in an analogous fashion. This negative component that is involved in them has to do with the formation of personal identity and, therefore, with the notion of experience. We point to the fact that experience is a key part to both concepts: in one case, because memory makes experience possible, and in the other, because resilience assumes and makes the most of it.


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Cómo citar

The subjective construction of experience: an analysis of memory and resilience in an educational sense. (2019). Foro De Educación, 17(26), 175-196.

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